Arctic Thunder, the fourth installment in Midway's arcade racing series, is a fantasy snowmobile-racing game that plays like a mix of Cruis'n and a kart racer on ice. The main object of the PS2 and Xbox versions is to upgrade sleds and unlock secret characters or tracks. You earn Gold Medals or lots of points to unlock most secrets, and you do this by winning races. The gameplay involves shooting down enemies with weapons, boosting yourself ahead, and pulling off tricks. Exclusive to the console versions is a Battle Mode that emphasizes the game's frantic combat.
Genre: | Action |
Release Month: | 9 |
Release Year: | 2001 |
Developer: | Inland Productions |
Publisher: | Midway |
Serial: | SLUS-20217 |
Size: | 0 |
CRC32: | 0 |